How To Stop The Munchies - Stoner Edition

Freddie Feb 24, 2023
4 People Read
stoner munchies
Table of Contents
  1. Is There an Easy Quick-Fix To Stop Munchies?
  2. Why do we get the munchies after smoking weed?
  3. How to Stop Stoner Munchies
  4. Why Is Overeating Junk Food Bad For Me?
  5. Is It Bad To Overindulge in Healthy Foods?
  6. What Should I Do If I Always Overeat While High?
  7. Losing Weight Can Be Challenging
  8. 100 Easy and Healthy Food Recipes
  9. Summary
  10. Good Luck Quote

Have you ever heard of the "munchies"? That's when you get really hungry after smoking weed. While it might sound like a fun side effect, it can actually cause some problems for some people.

Eating too much or eating unhealthy foods can lead to gaining weight and other health issues. And if you're trying to stay healthy or manage a medical condition like diabetes, feeling extra hungry after smoking weed might make things more challenging.

It can be hard to control your eating habits when you're feeling high, and some folks might overeat or binge on food. So, while feeling hungry after smoking weed isn't necessarily bad, it's important to be aware of the consequences and make smart choices about what you eat.

Is There an Easy Quick-Fix To Stop Munchies?

Unfortunately, there is no easy or quick fix to completely stop the munchies, as it is a natural response of the body's endocannabinoid system to the ingestion of THC. However, there are some strategies that may help to lessen the severity of the munchies or distract from the urge to eat.

Why do we get the munchies after smoking weed?

It's not necessarily true that everyone experiences hunger after smoking weed, but for those who do, the reason is related to how the active compound in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), affects the brain and body.

THC can bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and other parts of the body, including the digestive system. When THC binds to these receptors in the hypothalamus, it can stimulate the release of the hormone ghrelin, which is known to increase appetite. Ghrelin is often referred to as the "hunger hormone" because it signals the brain to increase food intake.

In addition to ghrelin, THC can also stimulate the release of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that is associated with reward and pleasure. This can make food more appealing and increase the desire to eat.

So, in summary, smoking weed can stimulate the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that increase appetite and make food more appealing, which can lead to feelings of hunger. However, it's important to note that not everyone experiences these effects, and individual responses to cannabis can vary.

How to Stop Stoner Munchies

  1. Drink water: Staying hydrated can help you feel fuller and reduce the urge to snack. Also, it is a great habit to have anyways. According to a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics in 2013, about 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Drink plenty ;)

  2. Eat a healthy meal before smoking: Eating a balanced meal before smoking can help you feel full and reduce the likelihood of snacking on unhealthy foods.

  3. Chew gum: Chewing gum can give your mouth something to do and reduce the desire to eat.

  4. Choose healthier snacks: If you're going to snack, try to choose healthier options like fruit, vegetables, or whole-grain snacks. Also, go to the store before smoking. This will help you make better choices.

  5. Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight: If you don't see unhealthy snacks, you might be less likely to eat them. So try to keep them out of sight or out of the house altogether.

  6. Distract yourself: Engage in activities that take your mind off of food, such as watching a movie or going for a walk.

  7. Brush your teeth: Brushing your teeth can give your mouth a clean feeling and reduce the desire to snack.

  8. Use portion control: If you decide to snack, try using portion control to limit how much you eat.

  9. Choose strains with lower THC content: Strains with lower THC content can be less likely to cause the munchies.

  10. Wait it out: Sometimes, the munchies can pass on their own, so try waiting it out and distracting yourself until the urge to snack subsides. This is self-control practice deluxe. Good luck!

  11. Go to the store before smoking marijuana, and get some healthy foods you wouldn't mind munching on. This can really help as junk food often makes you feel bad. Healthy snacks don't have the same effect on your body.

Why Is Overeating Junk Food Bad For Me?

Eating too much junk on a regular basis can be harmful to your health in many ways. Junk food is often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sugar, which can cause weight gain, obesity, and other health issues over time.

Junk food is also typically low in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and increase the risk of developing health problems.

Eating too much unhealthy food can also increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Junk is often low in fiber and high in unhealthy fats, which can lead to digestive issues like constipation and bloating.

Furthermore, overeating junk food can negatively impact mental health, causing feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem. Foods with high sugar can also be addictive, leading to cravings and overeating.

Therefore, it's important to maintain a balanced diet that includes plenty of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to avoid the negative health effects of overeating junk.

Is It Bad To Overindulge in Healthy Foods?

Overindulging in nutritious foods or healthy snacks while high can also be problematic. While healthy foods are generally more nutrient-dense and lower in calories than junk food, consuming large amounts of any food can lead to discomfort and digestive issues and potentially interfere with your body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients properly.

Eating large amounts of fiber-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, can lead to bloating and digestive discomfort. Consuming too much fat, even from healthy sources like nuts and seeds, can lead to feelings of sluggishness and potentially interfere with nutrient absorption. Additionally, consuming too much sugar, even from natural sources like fruit, can lead to blood sugar imbalances and potentially increase the risk of health problems like type 2 diabetes over time.

Therefore, it's important to practice moderation when consuming any type of food, including healthy options, when high. Try to focus on mindful eating, paying attention to your body's hunger cues, and stopping when you feel satisfied. It's also important to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups, not just those deemed "healthy" or "unhealthy," to ensure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to function properly.

What Should I Do If I Always Overeat While High?

If you have problems with overeating junk food when high, there are several strategies you can try to help reduce your cravings and improve your eating habits:

  1. Avoid keeping unhealthy snacks in the house: If junk isn't readily available, it can be easier to avoid overeating it.

  2. Plan ahead: If you know you're going to get high, plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure you have healthy options available.

  3. Choose healthier snacks: Opt for healthier snacks like fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds instead of bagged snacks.

  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking water or other non-caloric beverages can help curb hunger and reduce the urge to snack.

  5. Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your body's hunger cues and try to eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite.

  6. Get support: Consider talking to a friend, family member, or healthcare professional about your overeating habits and seek support to make healthier choices.

  7. Engage in physical activity: Engaging in physical activity can help reduce stress and boost mood, which can help reduce the urge to overeat.

It's important to remember that changing eating habits takes time and effort, and it's okay to slip up occasionally. Be patient with yourself and focus on making small, sustainable changes over time to improve your eating habits when high or in general.

Losing Weight Can Be Challenging

If you are struggling with overeating and looking to lose weight, it's important to approach the situation with patience and kindness towards yourself. Instead of focusing on extreme diets or deprivation, try incorporating small changes into your daily routine that can lead to healthier habits over time. This could include increasing your water intake, incorporating more whole foods into your diet, and finding enjoyable forms of physical activity that you can maintain long-term.

It's also important to seek support from friends, family, or a healthcare professional who can provide guidance and encouragement on your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Remember that progress takes time, and every small step towards a healthier you is worth celebrating.

It might be an idea to cut down on cannabis consumption in the meanwhile. Late-night munchies can be a bitch if you want to lose weight, but you can conquer anything.

100 Easy and Healthy Food Recipes

Food cravings are often in the form of unhealthy food, but you can make really good-tasting healthy food fast. Appetite stimulation is what we are trying to combat. Eating an entire pizza, for example, might make you feel bad about yourself, especially if you didn't want to devour the entire pizza.

This can make for a bad loop where you eat badly, feel like shit, and eat more bad shit because you feel bad.

Instead, try one of these super simple recipes to feel good about your food choice.

  1. Avocado toast: Mash avocado onto toast and top with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes.

  2. Greek yogurt with honey and berries: Top Greek yogurt with honey and your choice of berries.

  3. Oatmeal with banana and almond butter: Cook oatmeal and top with sliced banana and a spoonful of almond butter.

  4. Peanut butter and banana sandwich: Spread peanut butter on bread and add sliced banana.

  5. Veggie wrap: Fill a tortilla with hummus, spinach, cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper.

  6. Grilled cheese sandwich: Layer cheese between two slices of bread and grill in a pan.

  7. Tomato soup: Heat up a can of tomato soup and serve with crackers.

  8. Baked sweet potato: Bake a sweet potato and top with butter and salt.

  9. Simple salad: Toss lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper with olive oil and vinegar.

  10. Smoothie bowl: Blend frozen berries, banana, and almond milk and top with granola and honey.

  11. Popcorn with nutritional yeast: Pop popcorn and sprinkle with nutritional yeast and salt.

  12. Homemade trail mix: Mix almonds, cashews, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate chips.

  13. Tuna salad: Mix canned tuna with mayonnaise and serve on crackers or bread.

  14. Cottage cheese and peaches: Top cottage cheese with sliced peaches and honey.

  15. Baked eggs: Crack eggs into a greased ramekin and bake until set.

  16. Veggie stir-fry: Sautee your choice of veggies in a pan with soy sauce and sesame oil.

  17. Quesadilla: Layer cheese and veggies between two tortillas and grill in a pan.

  18. Baked chicken breast: Season chicken breast and bake in the oven until cooked through.

  19. Hummus and veggie plate: Serve hummus with sliced cucumber, carrot, and bell pepper.

  20. Brown rice bowl: Serve brown rice with your choice of protein and veggies.

  21. Guacamole and chips: Mash avocado with lime juice and serve with tortilla chips.

  22. Caprese salad: Layer sliced tomato, fresh mozzarella, and basil leaves and drizzle with olive oil.

  23. Greek salad: Toss lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and feta cheese with olive oil and lemon juice.

  24. Fruit salad: Mix sliced kiwi, pineapple, berries, and grapes.

  25. Baked potato: Bake a potato and top with butter, sour cream, and chives.

  26. Tuna melt: Mix canned tuna with mayonnaise and cheese and melt on bread.

  27. Roasted veggies: Roast your choice of veggies in the oven with olive oil and seasoning.

  28. Baked apple: Core an apple and bake with cinnamon and honey.

  29. Baked salmon: Season salmon and bake in the oven until cooked through.

  30. Carrot sticks with hummus: Serve carrot sticks with hummus for dipping.

  31. Grilled veggies: Grill your choice of veggies and season with salt and pepper.

  32. Greek yogurt parfait: Layer Greek yogurt, granola, and berries in a jar.

  33. Omelette: Whisk eggs with veggies and cheese and cook in a pan.

  34. Tuna pasta salad: Mix canned tuna, pasta, and veggies with Italian dressing.

  35. Chicken and veggie skewers: Thread chicken and veggies onto skewers and grill.

  36. Caesar salad: Toss lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese, and Caesar dressing.

  37. Stuffed bell peppers: Stuff bell peppers with rice, beans, and cheese and bake in the oven.

  38. Baked zucchini fries: Cut zucchini into fry shapes and bake in the oven with breadcrumbs.

  39. Deviled eggs: Mix egg yolks with mayonnaise and mustard and fill the egg whites.

  40. Greek yogurt with granola: Top Greek yogurt with your choice of granola and honey.

  41. Chicken salad: Mix shredded chicken with mayonnaise and serve on bread or lettuce.

  42. Cucumber salad: Mix sliced cucumber with vinegar and a pinch of sugar.

  43. Black bean salad: Mix black beans, corn, tomato, and avocado with lime juice.

  44. Grilled shrimp: Season shrimp and grill until cooked through.

  45. Greek pita wrap: Fill a pita with hummus, chicken, lettuce, and tomato.

  46. Grilled chicken Caesar wrap: Grill chicken and wrap it in a tortilla with Caesar salad.

  47. Grilled cheese and tomato sandwich: Add sliced tomato to your grilled cheese sandwich.

  48. Hummus and pita bread: Serve hummus with warm pita bread.

  49. Baked kale chips: Bake kale leaves in the oven with olive oil and seasoning.

  50. Turkey and cheese sandwich: Layer turkey and cheese on bread and add lettuce and tomato.

  51. Miso soup: Heat up miso soup and add sliced green onion and tofu.

  52. Edamame: Boil edamame and sprinkle with salt.

  53. Broccoli salad: Mix broccoli with bacon, cheddar cheese, and mayonnaise.

  54. Baked cod: Season cod and bake in the oven until cooked through.

  55. Spinach and feta omelet: Whisk eggs with spinach and feta cheese and cook in a pan.

  56. Fruit and yogurt parfait: Layer fruit, Greek yogurt, and granola in a jar.

  57. Grilled chicken sandwich: Grill chicken and serve on bread with lettuce and tomato.

  58. Zucchini noodles: Spiralize zucchini into noodles and sautee with garlic and olive oil.

  59. Baked falafel: Bake falafel in the oven and serve with hummus and pita bread.

  60. Shakshuka: Sautee tomato sauce with eggs and serve with bread.

  61. Greek yogurt with cucumber: Top Greek yogurt with diced cucumber and dill.

  62. Broiled grapefruit: Broil grapefruit halves with honey and cinnamon.

  63. Stuffed mushrooms: Stuff mushrooms with cheese and breadcrumbs and bake in the oven.

  64. Grilled portobello mushroom burger: Grill portobello mushroom and serve on a bun with lettuce and tomato.

  65. Salmon salad: Mix canned salmon with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce or bread.

  66. Roasted red pepper hummus and pita: Serve hummus with roasted red peppers and warm pita bread.

  67. Spicy roasted chickpeas: Roast chickpeas with olive oil and spices.

  68. Baked eggplant Parmesan: Bake eggplant with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

  69. Grilled eggplant: Season eggplant and grill until cooked through.

  70. Chicken and broccoli stir-fry: Sautee chicken and broccoli with soy sauce and sesame oil.

  71. Zucchini and squash sautee: Sautee zucchini and squash with garlic and olive oil.

  72. Tomato and mozzarella skewers: Thread cherry tomatoes and fresh mozzarella onto skewers and drizzle with olive oil.

  73. Roasted beet salad: Mix roasted beets with goat cheese and walnuts.

  74. Grilled corn on the cob: Grill corn on the cob with butter and salt.

  75. Baked Brussels sprouts: Bake Brussels sprouts in the oven with olive oil and seasoning.

  76. Greek yogurt with granola and banana

  77. Carrot and ginger soup: Boil carrots and ginger and blend until smooth.

  78. Baked sweet potato: Bake sweet potatoes in the oven and top with butter and salt.

  79. Grilled shrimp skewers: Thread shrimp onto skewers and grill until cooked through.

  80. Grilled chicken Caesar salad: Grill chicken and serve on a bed of Caesar salad.

  81. Turkey and avocado wrap: Fill a tortilla with turkey, avocado, lettuce, and tomato.

  82. Caprese salad: Layer sliced tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil leaves and drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

  83. Chicken and rice bowl: Serve shredded chicken over rice with your choice of vegetables and sauce.

  84. Baked salmon: Season salmon and bake in the oven until cooked through.

  85. Grilled vegetable skewers: Thread your choice of vegetables onto skewers and grill until cooked through.

  86. Ants on a log: Spread peanut butter onto celery sticks and top with raisins.

  87. Mango salsa: Mix diced mango, onion, cilantro, and lime juice and serve with tortilla chips.

  88. Baked asparagus: Bake asparagus in the oven with olive oil and seasoning.

  89. Chicken Caesar wrap: Wrap chicken and Caesar salad in a tortilla.

  90. Roasted pumpkin seeds: Roast pumpkin seeds in the oven with olive oil and salt.

  91. Tuna salad: Mix canned tuna with mayonnaise and serve on bread or lettuce.

  92. Grilled chicken and vegetable kabobs: Thread chicken and vegetables onto skewers and grill until cooked through.

  93. Spicy vegetable stir-fry: Sautee your choice of vegetables with garlic and chili paste.

  94. Baked chicken Parmesan: Bake chicken with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

  95. Grilled vegetable salad: Grill your choice of vegetables and serve on a bed of greens.

  96. Black bean and corn salsa: Mix black beans, corn, tomato, and onion and serve with tortilla chips.

  97. Baked acorn squash: Bake acorn squash in the oven with butter and brown sugar.

  98. Egg salad: Mix hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise and mustard and serve on bread or lettuce.

  99. Grilled chicken and avocado salad: Grill chicken and slice avocado and serve on a bed of greens.

  100. Stuffed bell peppers: Stuff bell peppers with ground turkey or beef and rice and bake in the oven.


In summary, overeating unhealthy while high can be detrimental to one's health, leading to weight gain and various health problems. It can be difficult to resist the urge to indulge in unhealthy foods while under the influence, but there are several strategies that can help. Planning ahead and having healthy snacks readily available can reduce the temptation to reach for junk food. Choosing foods that are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats can also help to curb cravings and keep one feeling fuller for longer.

Some examples of nutritious foods to eat while high include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grain crackers, hummus, Greek yogurt, and air-popped popcorn. These foods are nutrient-dense and can provide a satisfying crunch or sweetness without the added sugar and calories of unhealthy food.

In addition to choosing healthier foods, it's important to practice mindful eating while high. This means paying attention to one's hunger and fullness cues, taking time to savor each bite, and avoiding distractions such as TV or social media while eating. Mindful eating can help one to feel more satisfied with smaller portions and prevent overeating.

If someone struggles with overeating junk food while high, it may be helpful to seek support from a healthcare professional or a therapist. They can provide guidance on developing healthy habits and coping strategies for managing cravings and emotional eating.

Finally, it's worth noting that while overindulging in healthy and good food may not have the same negative health effects as overindulging in junk food, it's still important to maintain a balanced and varied diet. Eating a wide range of nutrient-dense foods ensures that one is getting all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function optimally.

Overall, with a little planning and mindfulness, it's possible to eat healthier, enjoy tasty and satisfying snacks while high that support rather than undermine one's health and well-being. Toning down cannabis consumption and those marijuana cigarettes isn't easy, but its possible.

Good Luck Quote

Consume food that makes you feel good. Letting food consume you would not.


Table of Contents
  1. Is There an Easy Quick-Fix To Stop Munchies?
  2. Why do we get the munchies after smoking weed?
  3. How to Stop Stoner Munchies
  4. Why Is Overeating Junk Food Bad For Me?
  5. Is It Bad To Overindulge in Healthy Foods?
  6. What Should I Do If I Always Overeat While High?
  7. Losing Weight Can Be Challenging
  8. 100 Easy and Healthy Food Recipes
  9. Summary
  10. Good Luck Quote