Is it Bad to Smoke Weed Before or After Moderate/Intense Physical Activity? - Find Out

Freddie May 15, 2023
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marijuana users, academic performance, elite athlete

Smoking weed before or after moderate/intense physical activity has been a popular topic of debate in recent years. While some people believe it can enhance their workout experience, others argue that it can have adverse health effects on their bodies and limit performance.

In this article, we will explore the effects of smoking weed on physical activity and whether it is a good idea to do so.

Does Weed Make You Slower for Sports?

One of the most immediate effects of smoking weed is that it can decrease your coordination, motor coordination, and reaction time. This can be especially dangerous during physical activity, as it increases the risk of injury. Additionally, smoking weed can hinder your oxygen intake, making breathing difficult during intense exercise. This can limit your endurance and overall athletic performance, making achieving your fitness or sports goals harder.

Because weed can negatively affect coordination, reaction time, and overall physical performance, it might make you slower for sports. Therefore, it is essential to consider these potential effects carefully before using weed for sports or other physical activities.

What Does Marijuana Smoke Do to Your Lungs?

Marijuana use frequently goes hand in hand with marijuana smoke filling your lungs. This can pose a big health risk.

substance use and workouts, marijuana use

Short-Term Cannabis Users - Lung Health Risks

The short-term effects of cannabis smoke on users' lungs are mainly respiratory problems such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The smoke from marijuana irritates the lungs, causing inflammation and damage to the respiratory system. It can also lead to bronchitis, which is a condition characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, causing wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Another short-term effect of smoke on the lungs is reduced lung function. Smoking marijuana can decrease the amount of air that the lungs can hold, leading to shallow breathing and difficulty breathing. This reduction in lung function can also cause chest discomfort and chest pain, making it difficult for users to breathe comfortably.

Overall, the short-term effects of ganja smoke on users' lungs are mainly respiratory problems such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and a reduction in lung function. These adverse effects can lead to serious respiratory problems over time, making it important for users to be aware of the risks associated with smoking marijuana.

Long-Term Cannabis Users - Lung Health Risks

The long-term effects of marijuana smoke on users' lungs can be quite severe. Chronic bronchitis, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath are some of the most common symptoms. Long-term exposure to smoke can also lead to damage to the lining of the bronchial tubes, which can make it harder for the lungs to absorb oxygen. Studies have found that regular marijuana smokers are more likely to have symptoms of chronic bronchitis, such as coughing and wheezing, than non-smokers.

Another long-term effect of smoke on the lungs is damage to the immune system. It has been shown that long-term marijuana use can impair the ability of the immune system to fight off infections, particularly those that affect the lungs. This can increase the risk of developing pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections.

Finally, long-term marijuana smoking has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Although the evidence is inconclusive, some studies suggest that weed smoke contains carcinogenic compounds that can damage the cells that line the lungs, increasing the risk of cancer. While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of weed smoke on the lungs, it is clear that long-term use can have serious negative consequences.

More Cannabis Research is Still Needed

Some people claim that smoking weed before or after physical activity can help them relax and focus. However, there is little evidence to support this claim. Research has shown that smoking weed can impair cognitive function, making concentrating and staying focused harder. This can be detrimental during physical activity or athletic performance, where you need to be alert and focused to perform your best. Therefore, current evidence does not favor marijuana before a workout.

young adults, manage pain, chronic respiratory problems

Are There Any other performance-enhancing drugs/supplements?

So, if smoking weed isn't the best option for enhancing physical activity, what is? Fortunately, there are alternative methods that are backed by scientific research. One such method is consuming caffeine or nitric oxide supplements. Both of these supplements have been shown to improve endurance, performance, and overall workout experience.

Another alternative is practicing yoga or meditation. Both of these practices can help improve focus and relaxation while also increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Engaging in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also a great option, as it can increase metabolism, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall fitness.

Lastly, using essential oils or music can also be a great way to enhance your workout experience. Certain essential oils, such as peppermint or lemon, can help improve focus and energy levels. Listening to music can also help improve mood and increase motivation, resulting in better performance during physical activity.

In conclusion, smoking weed before or after physical activity can adversely affect your body and performance. While it may help some people relax and focus, little scientific evidence supports this claim. Instead, alternative methods for enhancing exercise performance are backed by scientific research. Utilizing these performance-enhancing methods can optimize your workout and achieve better results.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Affects Performance and Health

If you're looking to maximize your workouts and excel in sports, it's crucial to understand how drug/alcohol dependence can impede your progress. The impact of substance abuse extends beyond the personal and societal consequences—it directly hampers your fitness endeavors. Some research claims that skill impairment may last up to 36 hours after cannabis use. As a result, your maximal exercise capacity may be unreachable for up to 36 hours.

mental health, college students, sports medicine

Coordination, balance, and motor skills are all vital components of athletic performance, and drugs and alcohol can impair these abilities, making it challenging to execute precise movements required for various sports and exercises. 

Moreover, substance abuse can dampen your endurance and stamina, limiting your capacity to sustain high-intensity physical activities. This is due to the harmful effects drugs and alcohol can have on your cardiovascular function, respiratory capacity, and muscle strength. 

Another aspect affected by dependence is sleep patterns, which can be disrupted, leading to inadequate rest and recovery time. This significantly hampers muscle repair and growth, which is vital for achieving fitness goals. 

Additionally, substance abuse can interfere with proper nutrition and hydration as priorities shift towards drugs or alcohol, neglecting the essential nutrients and fluids necessary for optimal athletic performance. Recognizing the impact of drug/alcohol dependence on your athletic potential is essential, motivating you to address these issues and prioritize your fitness aspirations.

Motivational Problems - Mental Health

One of the biggest hurdles posed by drug abuse is the impact it can have on your motivation when it comes to achieving your fitness goals.

motivational effects, sleep quality, acute effects

Cannabis use can disrupt the brain's natural reward system, making it challenging to find joy and motivation in activities you once loved, such as exercise and sports. The chemicals found in drugs and alcohol can artificially stimulate the brain's pleasure centers, creating a dependence on these substances to experience feelings of happiness and reward. Consequently, the drive to engage in physical activity and maintain a consistent workout routine can significantly diminish.

Additionally, cannabis use can lead to feelings of lethargy, apathy, and a general lack of energy, making it even more difficult to muster the motivation to participate in physical exercise. Over time, this lack of motivation can lead to a decline in fitness levels, impeding progress and potentially causing a cycle of frustration and disappointment.

However, breaking free from drug/alcohol dependence is crucial for physical health and rediscovering a sense of motivation and drive toward achieving your fitness goals. Through recovery and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, you can reclaim your motivation, enthusiasm, and focus, propelling you toward success in your fitness journey.


Smoking weed before or after intense workouts is a controversial topic. While some believe it enhances the experience, others argue it can have negative effects. Here's a brief overview of the key points to consider:

Does Weed Make You Slower for Sports?

Smoking weed can impair coordination, reaction time, and oxygen intake, limiting athletic performance and increasing the risk of injury. So Yes, It can make you slower.

Impact on Lung Health

Marijuana smoke can cause respiratory issues like coughing, wheezing, and reduced lung function. Long-term use may lead to chronic bronchitis, immune system impairment, and potentially an increased risk of lung cancer.

Motivational Problems

Drug abuse, including cannabis use, can disrupt the brain's reward system and dampen motivation, making it harder to stay motivated for exercise and sports.

Conclusion: While some claim benefits, smoking weed before or after intense workouts can have adverse effects on performance and health. It's essential to be aware of potential risks and consider healthier alternatives to optimize your fitness journey.

addictive behaviors, human studies

College students, elite athletes, and recreational fitness enthusiasts. Now you know that weed, in fact, can damage your full potential. Good Luck!
